Dear Lorraine,

In one of my latest discussions with Luis Camnitzer he stated that art could not be language. That “language of art” or “art as language” would not exist. But what about language in art? Does language in art not exist? Is art and language a conflict?

Why do I follow this path with no intention at start?

I replied that art must be sexy. And ofcourse he vividly denied. But isn’t being triggered by any beauty not sexy. Isn’t being driven by questions with no answers sexy. Isn’t being worded by language not sexy. I say, art and language is sexy. For me. For my eyes. For my soul and intelect. Art must be sexy!

What makes it sexy to me? My only answer is: optical, haptical, intellectual. Your body of work that you have given your trust in me to publish are all of that. Must be all of that. They leave the cosiness behind and start life.

I started in a cosy surrounding when I was young. And then, out of the blue, I entered Club Voltaire. I had no idea what this world means. I still don’t. But step by step I can puzzle out.

Thank you, Lorraine!