When I first met you, all I can remember was darkness, a blackness of room that almost made me lose my physical balance. It was 25 years ago in your Amsterdam studio.
When I met you the second time in Berlin, 25 years later, you were all light, and life – and pink.
Considering black as an absence of light – its opposite isn’t white, like the other absence.
I believe the opposite of black is pink – since I met you the second time, I am sure about this.
Pink is fullness, everythingness, allness, it is the opposites, first and last, sunrise, sunset, pink is pain, and cruel, and pink is tender, pink is love – pink is it all.
So here you are, and we made a long way, not so much together rather parallel, and we started in the black and here we are: in your pink.
Ulay, it was and it is a very special pleasure for me working with you!
Out of many the artists, you are one who went across the globe, literally, searching you, going from black to pink and being so consequently faithful. I hope you found it all. You.
I thank you for Unhurt.
I thank you for the Pink.
All yours: René
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